Youth class, 10-13 years of age.
1. 1975 and older models may compete
2. 340cc single or twin cylinder engine may compete.
3. Studs allowed
4. Carbides allowed
5. Handlebars may be modified or replaced with any commercially available handlebar. Hooks may be added
6. No jackshaft models
7. Any brand replacement track allowed. ¾ lug max
8. Rear suspensions may be interchanged up to 1978
9. Stock Secondary clutch.
10. Stock drive clutch or Power Block / Comet 94c / 102
11. Spreader allowed, up to 3 inches max increase.
12. Steel skis only
13. Stock appearing seat.
14. Diaphragm or Float type carbs allowed / no flatslides,
15. Stock Exhaust
16. Stock Ignition
17. No Rotary or Reed engines.
18. Parent or legal guardian : Youth under 18 years of age , parent or legal guardian must be present to sign waiver.