2022 Formula IFS
The goal of Formula IFS is to build a class in the spirit of the Formula 56 class popular the 80s. It will allow sleds that had been performance rated by ISR to compete in the same class. This class will allow certain Fan / Free Air and Liquid cooled sleds to compete together while also allowing certain leaf and IFS sleds to compete together. Only listed sleds may compete. Additions to the qualified sled list can be made at the discretion of the Race Director. Below is the list of qualified sleds by manufacturer.
Models that May Compete
Arctic Cat
1978 El Tigre 340
1978-81 El Tigre 5000 500cc
1979 Cross Country 340
1985-90 Cougar AFS 500cc
86-88 Pantera 440 L/C AFS
John Deere
1979-84 Trailfire 440 436cc
1976-78 Liquifier 340 339cc
1976-78 Liquifier 440 436cc
1979-83 Liquifier 440 436cc
1978-80 Invader 340 339cc
1978-80 Invader 440 436cc
Mercury Marine
1975-76 Trail Twister 440 436cc
Moto Ski
1979-83 Futura LC 462cc
1976-80 TX 340 336cc
1976-80 TX 440 432cc
1977-80 TXL 340 333cc
1980-82 TXL Indy 340 333cc
1983 Cross Country 340 333cc
1984-91 Indy 400 398cc
1983-92 Indy trail 440 / 488
Ski Doo
1984-89 Ski Doo Formula MX 462cc
1978-81 Blizzard 6500 / 7500 339cc
1978 TNT RV XC 340
1979 Cross Country 340 336cc
1980-82 Blizzard 5500 497cc
1982-84 Blizzard MX 497cc
1987-88 Stratos 496cc
Sno Jet
1975 Thunderjet 440 F/A 433cc
1975 SST 440 F/A 433cc
1974-75 GPX 433 433cc
1974-75 GPX 338 338cc
1976-81 EX 440 433cc
1980-85 SS 440 437cc
1984-92 Phazer 485cc
1981-89 SRV 535cc
Class Rules
1 Engine must retain original concept cooling system.
2 Engine must have original style ignition.
3 No performance kits, OEM/aftermarket ex. GYT kits. Heads, cylinders, exhaust, ignition, carburetors.
4 Chain case must be original, must maintain stock clutch covers, must have primary clutch covered.
5 Skis: Stock replacement type skis of any manufacturer. No aluminum/plastic skis/skins.
6 No ski spreaders on IFS models, leaf spring may use spreaders, no offset +3 inches from stock max .
7 Brakes may be upgraded to hydraulic brake systems.
8 Tracks: Original / stock replacement to 3⁄4” lug height. No longer than 121”. Changing track drivers is allowed. No cleated tracks unless stock track for that model / year was cleated. Cleated track models may convert to rubber. Rubber track models may not convert to cleats No special racing or “R” tracks, no cut down width tracks.
9 Clutch: Drive clutch is OEM or Comet 94 Duster / 102C / 108C clutch springs/weights may be changed. Secondary clutches must be stock for year, make, model can change helix and spring.
10 Suspension: Stock rear suspensions for year, make, and model no changes from stock. Stock front suspension, no widening or any other changes from stock on IFS models.
11 Handlebars: Steering post mount must remain in stock position. Risers and hooks are permitted.
12 Fuel tanks: Must be factory fuel tank for year, make, and model only and secured safely.
13 Engine regulations: Engine must retain stock cooling type, Engine must be an available option for the chassis entered in the race.
14 Reed / reed cages must be OEM, no aftermarket. Carburetors are original size and type for year/make/model of sled/ engine being run. Jetting can be changed and airbox can be removed, oil pumps can be removed. Original exhaust for year / make / model. Pistons are stock replacement up to .040” oversize allowed. No port grinding, only edge chamfering. Must have stock port sizing. Bead blasting for cleanup only, cannot remove casting lines/port material. No porting /polishing of any type on any internal parts.
15 Hoods and Belly pans may be changed or modified but must be well secured.
16 Seats may be altered but Must be well secured.
17 Studs allowed. Max height 3/8 above the track lug.
18 Carbides are allowed.