Womans class. 1985 and older sleds may compete. 340cc twin fan cooled engines.
- 1985 and older models may compete.
- 340cc and under Twin cylinder engine displacement may compete.
- Carbides allowed
- Studs allowed, not required, 3/8 max above track lug
- Any type or brand of replacement track may be used, max ¾ lug height.
- Any OEM drive clutch or Comet 94c / 102
- Stock driven clutch
- Brakes may be upgraded, mounting location must remain the same.
- Handlebars may be modified or replaced with any commercially available handlebar. Hooks may be added
- Ski spreaders allowed, 3 inch max.
- Steel skis only
- Engine and chassis must match for OEM application.
- Stock appearing seat.
- Stock number of carbs per original application / no flatslide carbs allowed
- Stock exhaust system.
- Stock ignition system.